About Me

Immanuel Njibie
Hello Everyone! My name is Immanuel I am studying Applied Technology I love reading, solving problems, Playing football and chess games. I am Married with 3 children, a boy and 2 girls. Presntly i am a Social Media Marketer and a facility Manager. I am studying to improve my Social Media Marketing Business and be able to have websites for my businesses. BYU Idaho is a lovely Higher Institution, and i so much love the way and manner they have programmed their Courses so that students could get their Certicate for a new job while continuing education.I am pursuing a Bachelor of science Degree.
The advantage i see from learning a career in Web Design is to improve myself in designing webpages for my businesses and for my clients. The most important reason why am taking this course is to have an edge on Social Media marketing so that i could have a better customer base, then serve my clients professionally, help my family and my church by teaching them these concepts.
I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saint since June 2002. Presently i am an Endowed Member, I have served as the Stake Young Men President and presently Serving as a High Counsellor in my Stake. I have a favourite Quote from President Brigham Young, as stated: "Education is the Power to think clearly, the power to act well in the world's work, and the power to appreciate life"